Increase in Rescue Missions During Summer, Calls for New Safety Tool for Mountain Bikers
However, rescue professionals believe many of them can be prevented with the correct gear, preparation, and knowledge about the environment. Twiceme Technology provides a tool that can help create safer biking experiences in the mountains.
New data reveals that the majority of mountain rescue operations in Sweden occur during the summer months. However, rescue professionals believe many of them can be prevented with the correct gear, preparation, and knowledge about the environments. Twiceme Technology provides a tool that can help create safer biking experiences in the mountains.
Increased Summer Tourism
According to Peter Borg, the operations developer at mountain rescue in Jämtland, Sweden, 60% of all mountain rescue missions occurs during the summer and 40% in the winter. Ten years ago, the statistics were the other way around. The reversed statistics are believed to be the result of increased summer tourism and interest in hiking and mountain biking in the mountains and off-season ski resorts.
Lack of Knowledge and Experience
As the number of summer tourists and sports activities grows, spreading knowledge about safety practices in the mountains is of the utmost importance. Swedish Police and rescue professionals report that many are unprepared and often surprised by the harsh and challenging weather conditions up in the mountains.
Rescue professionals express how the weather far up in the mountains is often very different from the mild and warm temperatures of the valleys, which may catch inexperienced hikers and mountain bike riders off guard. They believe that if people wore the proper gear and knew more about the surroundings, the rescue operations would most likely decrease.
Your Helmet - a Safety Tool Carrying Your Vital Info
Together with POC Sports, Twiceme has released the innovative mountain bike helmet Tectal Race Spin NFC, which is designed for your safety in the mountains. Through Twiceme technology’s app, mountain bikers can quickly download and access their personal and medical information in case of an emergency. Furthermore, bikers can also access the coordinates of their, or their fellow biker’s position, which is vital info for rescue professionals when they are trying to find you. In many cases, people are actually not injured in the mountains – but lost. When you need to find your way back, Twiceme Technology provides a tool to help.
No Need for an Internet Connection or Mobile Network
The communication with these professionals aims with limited access to a network connection. The Twiceme app is therefore designed to be a fast and reliable tool that doesn’t require any internet connection or mobile network. Twiceme can make you and your loved ones feel safer and be more prepared for your biking adventures, knowing that it will help you when you need it the most.
Developed in Consultation with Rescuers
Twiceme is developed in consultation with respected rescue professionals from all over the world. The aim of the communication with these professionals is to help develop and spread awareness of Twiceme to create the most amount of value for the end-users. The more people that know about it, the better. That means that for every single day, the technology becomes more and more valuable for you as an end user as more people can take action if something was to happen. Network effect when it’s at its best!
Read more about bike safety in city environments in our road bike article.
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